This is a school project based on working with typography to create a poster with the theme "activism". I wanted to focus on climate change and the recent wave of protests around the world.
This first example focused on the messages on the signs held by the protests participants. These messages were collected and made into a background. One of the messages was then chosen as the title of the poster to catch the eyes of passers by.
This second version is the end result of the project. It is a more minimalistic version of the earlier one and focuses on the main message and the picture of the words. The message tells us what we already know, that the climate is changing, but with the chosen size and color of the text rather asks us why we aren't. The red parts are used for the most important information on the poster, where and when this protest is taking place and the "why" that is both meant to be an eye catcher for passers by and the question that is supposed to make the beholder think.